IE University


Entrepreneurship University(IEU)

Honorary doctorate is a benefit reserved for our members and is determined purely on entrepreneurial merit

Honorary Doctorate Doctor Honoris Causa

Honoris causa, abbreviated as hc, is a Latin phrase (in Portuguese, “because of honor”) used in honorary degrees granted by universities to eminent persons who are not necessarily suffering from a college degree but who have stood out in a given area (arts, sciences, philosophy, letters, promoting peace, humanitarian assistance etc.), for their good reputation, virtue, merit or service actions that transcend families, persons or institutions
The person receiving the title of “honorary doctorate” can use the abbreviation “Dr. hc”. If you already have an academic doctorate degree, you can use the abbreviation “Dr. Dr. hc”. The honorable person with more than one title of doctor honoris causa, you can use the abbreviation “Dr. hc mult.” (Doctor honoris causa multiplex)

Who Do We Award

The Doctor Honoris Causa is a social entrepreneur -centric certification, meant to acknowledge and appreciate outstanding IEU members who have made significant contributions to their community, at both national and international level, and to a specialized field of knowledge and competency. The IEU selection committee selects the members to be awarded an honorary status based on their profile, seniority, who have served multitudes of people in a specific field of expertise. Most important criteria , the impact they have towards significant positive changes to their respective communities through education development, human capital development, and relevant policy development. The education qualification, along with professional experience already possessed by these fine candidates serve as additional boost to his/her profile during our selection process, characterized by stringent scrutiny and thorough evaluation of candidates. To date, we have globally honored and recognized our members who are Outstanding Entrepreneurs, Technocrats, Philanthropists, Diplomats, and other very prominent individuals with our esteemed Honorary
IEU awards limited honorary degrees annually. Recipients of honorary degrees are specifically those within our membership group . It is suggested that a recommendation that a person be considered for an honorary degree should be submitted in a timely manner. The eventual conferral of an honorary doctorate of the University honoris causa shall be evidenced by a Testamur issued under the Seal of the university. It shall entitle the person on whom it is conferred to membership of Convocation and the right to wear the Academic Dress approved for that Honorary Award. Moreover, the honoree may by letter exercise the right to refer to himself/herself as “Doctor” and permit others to do so

Candidate Questionnaire for
the honorary degrees